Hold on to your cash and working capital so that you can use it for everyday business needs such as payroll, inventory, marketing or that much-needed expansion.
Starrco has partnered with Commercial Industrial Finance to offer Starrco Modular Financing options to our customers. Commercial Industrial Finance is a national finance company that has been providing financing solutions to companies of all sizes for over 30 years.
Hold on to your cash and working capital so that you can use it for everyday business needs such as payroll, inventory, marketing or that much-needed expansion.
The complete modular building project can be 100% financed including material cost, sales tax, freight and installation.
You can accurately forecast the cash requirements of your purchases since financing results in a fixed monthly amount that protects you against inflation.
Finance terms can range from 24 – 60 months. Also, subject to credit approval, we can develop a deferred payment option that eases cash flow and meets your budgetary needs.
Modular office building financing allows you to increase the size of your modular structure or add the options you need while adding little to your monthly payment.
Finance amounts up to $100,000 only require a simple one-page application which is typically approved within 4-6 hours. Projects are funded within 48 hours of delivery of the material. Also, we will advance funds for projects that require a deposit.
Joe Lamping
Starrco Finance Specialist
Commercial Industrial Finance
Phone: (800) 995-6604 ext. 132
Email: jlamping@cifinance.com